Dr. Louise Brock
I was born into a pastor’s family, both my father and mother were ordained ministers. Little did I realize growing up that the Lord had His hand on me for ministry. All my grandparents and great grandparents on both sides were old time Pentecostal. So I grew up knowing about the holy spirit and praying in tongues. My great grandmother rocked me and sang in tongues over me from birth to when I went to school. My grandmother sat me in her lap as a toddler and taught me to read the King James Version of the Bible and pronounce all the begats correctly, I value my heritage so very much. When I was 19 years of age, I was teaching a junior girls SundaySchool Class in my Daddy’s church in Albuquerque, NM and one Sunday I had a vivid experience in the Holy Spirit and knew from that day forward, I was called and anointed by God to teach and preach the Gospel. Then later I married a minister and became a pastor’s wife and teacher. Years later I found myself to be a single mother and Bible teacher. I met up with Dr. Buddy Harrison in the late 60’s and joined with Faith Christian Fellowship and pioneered a FCF church here in Tucson, Az. in 1980. This Faith Community Church on Orange Grove Rd. Is pastored by my eldest son, Bruce Brock. I was involved with leadership with FCF and traveled all over the world for about 20 years. While ministering in Nigeria, Africa in a camp-meeting, the pastor asked me to begin a video Bible School for the many places with Bible Schools and not a great deal of materials available. So I began School of the Bible in the 1970’s and have furnished video and DVD SOTB material all over the world to bible schools. This has grown to a huge body of work over the years. In 2004 I became the pastor of Faith Community Church East . It was a church plant from our mother church that started in 1980. That pastor of the East church had passed away suddenly and I knew that God had set me there as their Pastor. It has been a fruitful fourteen years.